Oct 30, 2007 21:20
This has been bothering me for quite a while now but I never bothered to bring it up with anyone until Putri randomly mentioned it.
We are both 18, finished high school, matured, lived a little, got into college/university, about to finish our first year at college/university yet... I feel like I haven't achieved anything in my life and each day is flying by faster than it has before. Correction: each year.
I feel like I'm living a meaningless life surrounded by each year passing by without any significance.
I remember being young each day would go for so long, I'd be aching for the time my favourite tv show came on, dinner ect.
Now it seems every moment is flashing before my eyes and I'm finding it hard to "seize the day".
My life achievements.
I've been to 41 different cities in 27 different countries.
I have a drivers license, I own a car
I finished high school
I got into university, I study marine biology
I speak 3 languages, soon to be 4
I've been in love, twice.
I left my shitty retail job to do promo work and lead into modelling
I was born in russia and managed to immigrate to australia
I've been on tv in japan
I used to take pretty nice photos, which I think made an impact on people even if it was only for an instant.
I have a pretty good job
I have a good body which i work hard for
I have nice hair which I take care of
I have friends that i love and (hopefully!) love me
Well that's all I can think of so far.
But anyway, even though I think about these achievements, I think of all the things I want to do; I've come to realise I'll never be satisfied and one day I will wake up and be 60 and realise I haven't achieved anything my life, or have I?
You tell me...
How do you deal with this feeling? That you're wasting everyday on just getting through without leaving behind any sort of positive/negative impact on the world? The world is full of people which each shape our opinions and choices in our everyday life, shouldn't that mean that each of us should eventually leave this universe with an impact on others?
I imagined life to be full of memories and achievements by the time you finish, but even at 18 I feel like I haven't accomplished enough to function normally...
I'm sitting around thinking 2 weeks before exams, I've completed the first year of a course I don't know if I really want to do but I don't know what to do else...
I know one day perhaps I'll be saving some dying whale speaking in one of my many languages and be with someone I love but I'll still be wondering if there is more to life than this.
* Note i dunno about the whale part since I'm pretty picky with smells! and I like my designer clothes & shoes
Someone here on livejournal GIVE ME THE ANSWER!!! What is the meaning to life, and how can I fulfill it???