Oct 11, 2008 01:17
every once in awhile there comes a time when you put your life and mind on pause and come to reconnect with the influences that have put you where you are today... to just come back down to reality of how it all started and how your future will become.
the past predicts your future your future reconnects your past.. its all a big circle..
i still remember when he told me about the circles in life.. and how such a simple theory makes so much sense in how you determine your life.
"take two steps back before taking a step forward"
i also wish we all experienced it at the same time so at this time next year we can be pretty happy with the choices we made with all experimenting of youth aside and just enjoy the growth of your spiral of life.
....i believe we will realize what real happiness truly is to us..
i miss just talking with my friends till 12 in the morning about everything you used to do and everything there is to come. just to still have the feeling that they can be your stability through periods of absents.
tonight i feel satisfied with how the day has gone... and tomorrow i will take it one day at a time..
cest la vie..