home is where the heart is love, don't get yourself confused.

Aug 09, 2005 00:36

Hi. Im home. Which is El Retardo.
This summer...has possibly been the sketchiest series of events ever.
I was in Florida.
Then Edmonton.
Where I was ''united'', as it were, with my massive as fuck family.
Which, by the way, you should all love and be jealous of. Because we're all like Ukrainian and cool and stuff.
No, but seriously, my family effing rocks.
And Im basicly going to tell you WHY.

Don- professional race car driver, mutha.
Andrew- professional photographer.
Chris- Mr. Artist pants or something. He lives in Spain, kay.
Phil- Bass player/ coolest human in ever. go here, bitches.
Julian- slighly resembles Grizzly Adams. And by slighty I mean uncanning.[sp?] But not really. Also owns a shit load of way expensive cars.
Robert- funny as hell when he's drunk. And he's 14. Which makes him cooler then you.
Andrew [ Obviously a different Andrew, retard.]- Plays guitar like NOBODY'S buisness. And he's way funny.
Julian Sr- Sings in a Ukrainian choir, which is damn cool. Damn.
Jonathan- was a bodyguard for Steve Young of some.. football team or something.
Owen- Is turning one. And is cute. And smiles. And dribbles on my shirt. And get goldfish stuck in the folds in his neck.
Steve- Is a soccer fiend. Broke his leg though, so he's like.. not playing RIGHT NOW, or anything.
Kevin- Is going to build things. I forget what thats called.
Chris- is a US Marine. He just came home from Iraq.

I obviously have ALOT more relitives then that. But those are the ones I hung out with. So, whatever.
Julian: 'In what state is it legal for first cousins to get married?'  Lisa: 'California, duh.'  Andrew:  'First cousins?Dang, thats wrong. Second cousins..alright. Third, a little more alright. Forth? I don't even know what the fuck that is, so screw it.'

Last night was pretty fun. It was Tylers birthday so Don took the bus and drove like.. 30 of the cousins to his house. There we more or less sat around a giant bon-fire and drank beer all night, while.. talking and stuff. Me, Phil, Judy and Steve were gossiping like the little girls we are. Then Jo made me walk a line in the kitchen to make sure I wasn't drunk.
I wasn't, by the way.
I almost caught fire. I was apperently sitting too close to the fire and a spark landed in my hair. Story of the year, I swear
Then at like 2:30 we drove back to the hotel, but not before Don almost killed us. He decided it would be funny if he drove around an effing traffic circle four times to try to make us all you know...puke. And it was a big traffic circle. Hi, Don. Not a bit funny.
Then, um me and Judy walked around the hotel. We pretty much broke into the excersize room, which was...playing a porno on the TV.
So we sat and watched.
Aka ran like hell.
Then we talked in the hotel room.
Then I went to bed, because I had to get up early to leave for home.
15 hours later...
Im here.

Anyways, now that Im home, I going to start drawing again, which is neat.
Because I missed drawing.
Im mainly going to draw my inspiration from the mating habbits of wild elk...or something with a foresty, sexy vibe like that.
Not really.
But seriously, I will draw.

Im probally not going to know what to do with myself now. I hate Winnipeg.
Tomorrow Im unpacking/cleaning/going to see my BFFL aka Hilary Taylor!!!!
aaaaaaand I get my puppie back tomorrow.
I have a shat load of stuff to do, but whatever.

OH OH! Did I mention that me and Adam from TBS are getting MARRIED. True story myfriends. We are like, best friends now. It's pretty damn sweet, if you ask me.

OH OH OH! Did I ALSO mention that RYAN  [ notice the bold, italic, underline.] is comming home for his papa's birthday/ to see me!
And I just can't wait to smell David again. He smells like such wonderful things.

AND, I think me and Jake are going out sometime to get sandwhiches.

But, thats about all I have to say. I hope you are all having a great summer thus far, and wearing the appropriate SPF sunblock for your complexion.
Sholders, nose, ears etc.
Prime areas for sunburn.

Before I go...I have a question for you all.
Is it better to be honest or nice?

It's been pissing me off all week.

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