Well, it's so dark out now, I can hardly see two feet in front of my face! However, I can assume that all of our guests are still out there? I can hear your chipper voices all around. Please be sure not to crowd around too much.
And be careful. It can be dangerous out there. But please feel free to call on me if you'd like any help. You can visit my ex-girlfriend, Penny, too, in the Welcome Center, but she does so much already, I'd be more than happy to help.
[OoC: Okay, so, he knows that Penny's dead by now, so no telling him about him pulling the trigger, or that it was his fault- well, you can, but he won't believe you. So, essentially don't tell him anything that happens after that one 'WAAAAY!', mentioning that Penny's dead is okay. Other than that? Troll the crap out of him.
SPEAKING of Penny. 8)]