May 27, 2009 23:01
[Dr. Horrible, goggles pulled down over his eyes, is sitting in front of his computer with a lab bench behind him. There are a lot of glass tubes, one filled with a green liquid, beginning to bubble over. There also appears to be a Tesla coil, three containers of Silly Putty, that a tentacle?]
A lot of you have been asking about Wonderflonium. I still haven't found any, but after some arduous preliminary research, I've come to believe that it is going to be possible for me to synthesize some of my own. And you, loyal viewers, will be getting to see some of the first steps of this unprecedented work of scientific ingenuity. Don't worry if this is the last you hear from me for a long time. I'll be hard at work and all that.
[He moves over to give a view of his latest experiment.]
Oh, oops. [Turns down the bunsen burner under the green stuff.] With the addition of this catalytic compound, the polymer base will begin to solidify and turn blue--[He pours the green stuff into a beaker with a viscous orange substace]--at which point I can begin the next phase of creation by--[the beaker is suddenly filled with something pink. And unaccountably sparkly. And expanding.]--That's not supposed to--
[The beaker bursts, setting off several other small explosions, and blobs of the sparkly stuff bounce off, rather than entirely stick to, the surfaces they hit. Dr. Horrible dives under the table. Shortly thereafter, the camera is obscured by goop].
[Text//Filtered to Friends//Unhackable]
I'll be around, but I'm giving up the outfit, the name, the evil--I mean, evil image that I sometimes project right now. The situation changed, I'm trying to change with it.
[Filtered to Rosella//Unhackable]
You're going to the swing dance thing, right? I'll probably be there with my friend...if you see us, can you call me Billy. Please? I'll owe you one. You'll probably be pleased to know it's because I'm turning over a new leaf, I guess. Seeing what it's like not to be horrible...
I can stop this any time. I totally can. This is my last post like this. And not telling her isn't lying if there isn't something to tell her about anymore.
[ooc: Friends in this case are ones he knows in real life (member of ARTEMIS can assume this if they really want) and includes Carl, Solomon, Rain, and Rosella (oh, and I guess Data. Um.)...I think that's it at this point. Basically, Billy is going to stop being Dr. Horrible for a few weeks in June. Posts and comments will be made by *Billy* and heavily filtered. He's trying to give up villainy cold-turkey. He'll still be doing work for AREMIS but the--despite evidence in this video--very promising work on Wonderflonium will grind to a halt because something is just missing. Eventually this will all come to a head and Dr. Horrible will be back, but I just wanted to give you a heads up that this is not a permanent change by any means.
Oh, also, bed soon, so tagbacks mostly tomorrow.]
penny was never consulted,
no part of this will work as planned,
mad science,
trying a little too hard,
not so horrible,
trying to change