Mar 03, 2009 21:10
[Dr. Horrible is standing in front of a crowded laboratory table. He's building something that looks like a cross between a metallic hardhat and a torture device. There might be electrodes involved. Also, near the camera there's a jar with what appears to be an actual human brain inside. Dr. Horrible is savagely twisting at a few bolts. It's unclear at first whether he knows the camera is on or is just ranting to himself.]
Hah, so much for the police. Either she never said anything or they're too lazy to follow up. Murphy. Hah. Not like we were doing anything wrong, they just showed up and interrupted a perfectly reasonable test. We were trying to help you all out really, find some answers...blah, blah, blah post a public warning, blah, blah, blah something stupid about birds.
Like he forgot whose head he threw a car at.
But yeah, no one's tried to contact me about anything. Everyone forgets things so quickly. Stupid city. Stupid...everything ends quickly. Curses, distractions, not everything is awful all the time, but that's how it tricks you.
This morning, I went to the library, actually to take out a book this time. I mean, not that I wasn't there for books any of the other times, but this time I just wanted to take a book out to read, for fun. On dinosaurs. But no, it just kept trying to get me to look at one particular book.
[He looks up at the camera--yes, he's recording on purpose.]
I ended up with like five different copies. Maybe I should have paid more attention to Austen in high school, but it's not like English was ever my best class.
Well anyway, she's gone now. Two in two months. Who's next?
[Looks at his apparatus.]
Guess I have to figure out have to test this thing.
[He stares at the brain and reaches over to turn off the camera.]
[ooc: He's ranting about Karrin Murphy and Captain Hammer in the first bit. Kind of holding a grudge, mostly just upset because he recently discovered Emma's departure so that's two friends gone. It doesn't help that the library forced him to read Emma so he's also kind of weirded out. And the device--not a thought detector (hee), but the brain-slug detector he's making for Marco. Not that there's any really way to test it in the absence of Yeerks especially considering I doubt he'd be able to convince anyone to wear it.]
sounds kind of suspicious,
brain-slug detector,
emma woodhouse,
not making sense,
captain hammer,
karrin murphy,