[The video shows the inside of the Welcome Center decked out in all of its handmade, cute-not-scary Halloween glory. There are plastic cauldrons full of candy and apple cider--non-alcoholic, thank you--simmering on the stove. Penny, in front of the camera, is dressed up as a belly dancer. Not exactly weather appropriate, but that's why she's staying inside. There's the sound of Bollywood music in the background.]
Happy Halloween! And happy all Hallow's Eve, Samhain, Mabon, All Saints' Day, Day of the Dead, and autumn equinox, too, even if not all of those happen quite today. Sorry if I missed some. I looked up all of the other fall holidays and can't remember them all. I hope everyone's doing okay after that last curse?
The City looks great, so I hope you're all getting out to enjoy it! If you're out, stop by the Welcome Center for candy and cider, okay? Also, be careful. Just generally. The decorations out there're awesome, but I kept expecting some of them to come to life when I walked by on my way to the store this morning.
Have fun, City!
[ooc: Some costume-appropriate replies from
worstlootever (thank you, Guild, for your crazy music videos). Visitors might find that Penny is a better belly dancer than expected... and that she can't quite stop dancing. She hopes Chris appreciates the scantiness, because this outfit's cold.
Also! Threadjacking and action spam is encouraged, if you're into those things. Happy Halloween!]