
Aug 25, 2010 00:34

And a late welcome back to school to everyone!  I hope your summers were amazing and that you're ready for the new semester!

I'm Penny--forget what all of the official enrollment papers say and let's get off on equal footing--and I'm so excited to be teaching two sections of an introductory level art class at TCU!  This is my second year teaching and my twenty-fifth year in the City school system, so I'm sure at least a few of you have seen me around.  Don't be afraid to come and say hi!  I'm not in my office too often, but I'm out and about a lot.  If you have any problems at all, school-related or not, and need some advice or a listener, my metaphorical door is always open (I mean, my physical office door is always open too when I'm in it, but office hours are kind of limited, so... metaphorical door).

I'm looking forward to this semester, and I hope the rest of you are, too!

Students: Monday and Tuesday were our first class meetings.  Attendance was really, really low in both sessions, which I hope will change once you settle into your new schedules.  Remember, attendance is a big part of your grade.  Please try to show up!

For anyone who couldn't make our first two meetings, I've attached this semester's syllabus.  I also assigned your first project in class.  It's not a huge project--mostly just an ice-breaker so we can all get to know each other.  Your assignment is to create a piece of art that represents who you are as an individual.  You can use any medium and this doesn't have to be a self-portrait.  If you feel like you'd be represented best by a white spot on a blue canvas, go for it!  If you're more of a lump-of-clay, do it!  You'll have time to work on your projects in class on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on your session.  We'll present projects during our first class next week.  Be prepared to explain how your art represents you!  That lump of clay won't get you a good grade unless you can tell me why it's a good visual interpretation of you.

We'll be going over the first chapter in your textbooks during your second class sessions next week.  Try to get the gist of important terms, and always ask your classmates if something has you stumped!  You can come see me with any questions, too, although you're encouraged to ask questions in class.  If there's something you don't get, there's a good chance that someone else doesn't get it either.

Let's make this semester a great one!

SYLLABUS: Introduction to Art (ARTS 1000-001 and ARTS 1000-002)

Section One (ARTS 1000-001): MW, 10:00am - 11:15am
Section Two (ARTS 1000-002): TR, 1:00pm - 2:15pm

Office Hours: MWTR, 11:30am - 12:45pm
- If my office hours don't work for you or you need to talk to me at a different time, please don't hesitate to shoot me an e-mail! We can always arrange for a meeting.


This course is meant to introduce students to the important principles, styles, and forms of art across the world and throughout history and to foster a sense of self through art. Students will hopefully gain a general knowledge of and appreciation for art from a variety of cultures and time periods as well as a better understanding of their own creative potential.

Fichner-Rathus, Lois. Understanding Art. 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson, 2007. (or 7th ed: 2004.)

Spiral notebook
Extra paper and #2 pencils
- Financially disadvantaged students are encouraged to consult me if the text or supplies pose a problem!


1. Through reading, discussing the text, and viewing works of art in class, students will learn to:
- Identify and compare different artistic modes, such as naturalism, realism, idealism, nonrepresentational art, modern art, and postmodern art.
- Identify and work with the elements and principles of design.

2. By participating in art assignments, students will learn to:
- Express themselves in a variety of mediums.
- Apply elements and principles of design to their own work.
- Discover their own unique artistic strengths.


Pop Quizzes - 10%
- Pop quizzes may be given at the beginning of any class session. Do your reading and they won't be problem!

Art Assignments - 60% total
- Introductory Project - 5%
- Student Choice - Two Projects, 10% each
- Midterm Project - 15%
- Final Project - 20%

Class Participation and Attendance - 30%

All art assignments will be judged on effort, ability to follow instructions, and creativity. Even if you haven't realized your artistic potential, you're guaranteed to do well on all projects if you do your best!

Class Conduct and Expectations:

Please come to class prepared to discuss the assigned reading or present your project!

I encourage you to do your reading assignments in groups. Help each other learn, and maybe make a friend or two. Not all of the concepts we go over will make sense to everyone right away. Be there to help your classmates and they'll be sure to return the favor.

Reading assignments and projects will be assigned as we go. This will allow those of you who like to work ahead to really focus on the here and now and enjoy your class work.

Come to class! Attendance counts, so skipping out will negatively affect your grade. Pop quizzes cannot be made up; you need to be in class in order to take them. I'll be taking attendance on work days, too, so use those days to work on your projects. College-provided art supplies can't be removed from the classroom, so take advantage of your resources!

Students who come to class late are encouraged to sit in the last rows of the classroom to minimize distractions. If you know that you'll be missing class or part of a class, please let me know in advance!

Be considerate. Please don't use cell phones and other electronic devices that might distract your peers during class. Respect your classmates, your professor, the classroom, and, most of all, yourself. Our collective goal is to create a positive environment that's conducive to learning, creating, and self-discovery.

Special Accommodations: Any students with disabilities that may prevent him or her from reaching her or his full potential should contact the instructor as soon as possible! Accommodations will be made in order to provide everyone with the tools they need to succeed.

Sure, you'll be learning about art, but you'll also have a chance to discover talents you might not have known you had and express feelings that are difficult to convey in words. You're all artists--some of you just haven't learned that yet.

[ooc: Look, a real syllabus!  Feel free to assume pre-existing relationships even if we haven't talked about them.  Enroll your kids in her class!  Former teachers?  Come say hi!  Also, for the interested, I have brief bios typed up for all three of my characters.  Er... feel free to reference my extreme dorkitude for the sake of post fodder/relationship building/what-have-you.

Penny's AU Bio
Justin's AU Bio
Lulu Bell's AU Bio]

curse, cursed, can imagine being fired very clearly, kind of nerdy, art degree is still a degree, au!penny, work

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