Title: Six Ways the Death Ray Did Not Work
Fandom: Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairings: Various. Horrible/Penny (3), Horrible/Hammer (4)
Summary: What if, instead of the Death Ray killing Penny, it killed someone else?
Disclaimer: As if I'd own Dr. Horrible. Not mine.
Notes: Character deaths, obviously. Crack and slash in part 4. Reference to Metalocalypse in part 4.
3. Lawful Evil
Okay, so technically he got into the ELE.
Sure, the mayor dying from shrapnel when the Death Ray broke wasn't what Dr. Horrible planned, but a life is a life to the ELE.
A month later, a special election was held for a new mayor. Many familiar faces campaigned for the job, but it went to a dark horse, Billy Buddy. Among his platforms was expanded aid for the homeless.
Unbeknownst to all but a select few, Dr. Horrible (as Billy Buddy) had rigged his way to the mayoral post with the approval of the ELE and the assistance of Fake Thomas Jefferson (as TJ Howard).
The idea was to work behind the scenes and with a facade of benevolence to make the way easier for supervillains. It worked spectacularly well.
And to tie up some loose ends, before the election, Dr. Horrible enlisted the air of Moist's niece Lethe to use her Water of Forgetfulness on Penny, making her forget that Billy Buddy was Dr. Horrible. Then Dr. Horrible engineered it so the still emotionally traumatized Captain Hammer wrecked a building, killing and endangering many innocents. This allowed Mayor Buddy to announce that, in the name of public safety, he had Captain Hammer moved to a mental asylum.
The city was proud of its mayor, a humble man who still did his laundry at a laundromat and courted a woman who ran a homeless shelter.
The same night he proposed to Penny, he broke the news to her that he was Dr. Horrible. She had been shocked, but she did see his point that there were different ways of changing the world. So she accepted that the man she loved was a villain.
More importantly, she said yes.
4. The Obligatory Gay Joke
The backlash threw Captain Hammer back, but it didn't hurt him.
To be honest, most of the debris ended up embedded in three groupies that insisted on following Captain Hammer around. One was stabbed in the chest, one pierced in the head, and one sliced at the jugular.
To quote a death metal singer, it was 'brutal'.
Captain Hammer blinked, processing in his head that he was finally free of those stalkers. Then he ran over to Dr. Horrible.
To everyone's surprise, he did not put Dr. Horrible in a stranglehold. Instead, he put him in a bear hug.
"Oh, thank you thank you thank you!"
"Ow! Ribs!"
Captain Hammer gently (somewhat) set Dr. Horrible down. "Thank you for saving me from those stalkers, Dr. Horrible! I'll do anything you want!"
Dr. Horrible narrowed his eyes. "Go break up with your girlfriend."
"Done!" He turned to Penny. "Sorry, Penny, but it's over."
Penny stared in shock before passing out.
"Punch yourself in the balls."
"Done! Oof!" It hurt. A little, because it's damage to the balls, but Captain Hammer got over it quickly.
By now, Dr. Horrible was smirking. "Become my henchman."
Murdered three people and got Captain Hammer to turn over to the dark side?
There was no way the Evil League of Evil was going to deny his application.
Penny, distraught by the discovery that her laundry buddy was evil and her now-ex had followed him, moved away.
Dr. Horrible had two henchman now, his best friend Moist and Captain Hammer.
Moist was around as a sound board, subterfuge, the more academic needs (he was no genius like Dr. Horrible, but he did have a better grasp than, say, Hammer) and yes, dampening things.
Captain Hammer was around for heavy lifting, moving things, bodyguard, and on the odd occasion when the pent up sexual tension kept Dr. Horrible from working, a fuck buddy.
Dr. Horrible flourished at the Evil League of Evil, and years later was elected to lead it himself.
Last two parts on Saturday at the earliest, Monday at the latest.