Title: Penny's Blog
Summary: Billy finds out that Penny had a Blog.
part 1,
part 2,
part 3,
part 4 and it can be also found
on fanfiction.
Beta: of course
donteatacowman who is a totally crazy about puntuations and whatnot and
msmanuscript (for a sentence or two)
Forgotten Credit: So by the time I wrote and put on the first part of Penny’s Blog I had completely forgotten where the idea sprung from. Where? From n_e_star who wrote Dr Horrible Fic: Penny Cabllus's Daily Diary. It was only one part and it was a diary not a blog and aside from that it doesn’t have the same direction as this story, however it was probably the original (along with others) inspiration for this fic and I had said that I would credit them. So, I credit them for the prompt.
http://n-e-star.livejournal.com/119483.html A/N: Sorry it took so long to update and it might take a while for more - school’s started up again. But I’d like to thank anyone and everyone for reading and commenting and say this about the plot to come: I have plans which I hope will wet your appetite for even more - I promise it’ll pick up soon. (if you got that *high five*)
Don’t think about, he scolded himself. You’re Dr. Horrible. You want to know what Dead Bowie and Professor Normal’s latest experiment is. Nothing personal.