Hi guys! I'm back from an outing with my family and relatives~! 8D
which I will post about some other time. XDDD
Did you guys miss me? :D
Everyone: NO!!! *throws potatoes*
....*sniff*....at least I can eat mashed potatoes tonight. 3:
Sorry for not being able to comment f-list. :( I misssed so much. D:
Well anyway its time for...
Whether you live in a cave, tree, hole, box or just a typical room, there's a lot you can learn about a person by looking at where they live!
'Ello there! Before we look at the actual room, lets get an idea of what you carry with you.
Show us your bag and its contents.
(That means no removing tampons, cigs or condoms! *snicker*)
[click to enlarge :D]
1. Cellphone: I always carry it with me just incase somebody calls or texts~ Though sadly most of the time I always have no load or battery. XD;; BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT IT IS...I use it as an excuse when I shout "PDA ISNT ALLOWED!!" in the mall. XD
2. Used Tickets: I tend to keep the tickets in the pocket of my bag after every movie~! I also want to keep track of the movies I watched in the theatre. I keep on forgetting. XD;;
3. A random Pokemon card: I have no idea why but...all of my bags have a pokemon card in it. :| [...all of them are water cards. XD]
4. Alcohol: I end up going sitting and grabbing on to random things like poles or gates and stuff so my hands end up dirty...which is why I carry this awesome thing. 8D
5. Doublemint Gum: I dunno~ I just like chewing gum. 8D also because this is cheap compared to the other brands of chewing gum.
6. Picture Wallet: I CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT. D8 XD;;
7. Strawberry Chapstick: My aunt gave it to me because she said my lips were drying. XD;;
8. Brush + Mirror: a Christmas gift from a friend at school.
9. Silver Piggy of Love: Also called My Wa-Wa orr...just plain wallet XD Silver Pair = Silver Wallet. It makes sense. :D
10. Atobe Version iPod: I cant live without music. D: Speaking of Atobe version iPod....
11. A Blue and Black Pen: I carry it everywhere for certain situations~
13. Axe Cologne: ....I use it because they were giving away free samples. XD;;
Sweet. Now lets see your bed.
[click to enlarge :D]
How about your wardrobe? Show us your closet/dresser or just some clothes. :D
[click to enlarge :D]
How about showing us where you are now.
(No, I'm not stalking you...or am I?)
[click to enlarge :D]
The walls of a room can reveal a lot about a person who lives there. Lets see them!
[click to....OH YOU KNOW THE DRILL.]
I dont really have any decorations or posters on my wall...
although I have small shelves attached to it. :D
1. Bags and an old radio: All of the bags there were just given to me as presents since I dont buy much stuff...and the radio was a birthday gift to me when I was 7. :D
2. Stuffed toys: they wouldnt fit on the bed so I put them there~!
3. CD's, DVD's & other stuff: thats where you can find the ones mentioned...Along with my hairbrushes, pins, glasses, small keychains, small papers, cologne & small containers.
4. Other stuffed toys and displays: will show more of it later~
5. Books and organizers: A few old school books, dictionaries (english-tagalog, japanese and spanish), 2 Bibles, 4 file organizers, a few containers and old notebooks.
6. Special things/Partial Shrine: skip~ skip~ for laterr~! 8D
7. Boxes and small containers: old cellphone boxes, different containers holding small or old materials etc.
8. Radio, palanca letters and orginizer: A radio my mom gave me for my birthday 2 years ago, palanca letters containing things that are both positive and negative about myself annd...the organizer I use for school. :D
Any other cool things you'd like to share?
1. Other stuffed toys and displays: Where I keep my PoT Figurines, A Shishido plushie that looks like a voodoo doll my friend personally made for me~ :3, more teddy bears, MY BEN TENNYSON ACTION FIGURE! HAHAHA!, China & Japan papercrafts~ and more!
2. Special things/Partial Shrine: Everything there has sentimental value to me~ Since everything there was given to me by special people in my life! :3 YES. EVEN THE FRAME THAT CAME WITH A SHISHIDO/KENKEN/HORO PICTURE WAS GIVE TO ME. XD;;
3. KenKen Pills: My awesome sensei gave me this for christmas last year XDD He made it himself and told me that fangirls would take anything as long as it had something to do with their Idols. XD
Just for kicks, show us your pets.
(If no pets, how about a plushie?)
[CLICK TO....I give up dammit. DX]
My dog Snowbell is currently with my godmother who lost her two pet dogs. :( We made my Snowbellee (my nickname for her) stay with her for a while in order for her not to feel sad. (she's had those dogs since forever...its sad that they're gone now. D:) Though honestly I really miss my dog. ;A;
Cool. Now can you show me the exit?
(That means your door)
Tag! You're It...
Original meme from:
XToxicityX@DAAny questions? Feel free to ask~! 8D