Happy Birthday to Me!

Mar 12, 2008 22:52

With just a few mintues to go...I thought I would share with all of you my Birthday Wish for 2008.

At the ripe old age of 25, I have been through some trials and heartache that would not wish on my worst enemy. No, not even you. And I am making the journey toward healing both myself inwardly, and my relationship outwardly.

My Wish for this year, is to focus on the bigger picture. A bitchy customer has no impact on my life five years from now....so I will not let it bother me. Small problems are just that small. And I am going to do whatever I can to resolve this house issue, because it is a negative energy that plagues all of us involved, although some of us are more involved than others.

Thanks for you love and support this year, and even though you all moved farther way from me....somehow we have gotten through it.

Many hugs and kisses.

The Birthday Girl.
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