Found a thing...can I call it a thing?

Oct 02, 2006 08:29

01. What is in your left pocket?
One dollar bill and 4 quarters.

02. How much alcohol did you have this week?
The week just started baby.

03. Do you eat gas station food?
On ocassion.

04. Ever drive all night to get to someone?
An ex.

05. Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
It was okay I was a little disappointed.

06. Do people that scream into their cell phones annoy you?
Not really if they talk louder it just means I can hear more of what they are saying...people's private conversations arent so private anymore.

07. What color underwear do you have on?
Red...haha dude I had to look....I didnt even remember.

08. Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
Mostly hardwood.

09. Do you sit or stand in the shower?

10. Could you live with roommates?
Yes, easily.

11. How many pairs of flip flops do you have?

12. Where were you born?

13. What is your drug of choice?
Mary Jane.

14. Ever been to rehab/jail?

15. Last time you had a run in with the cops?
This morning. (was driving when I shouldn't be)

16. Where do you work?
The bank.

17. What do you want to be when you grow up?

18. How cool are you?
I'm the bomb.

19. What cell phone service do you have?

20. How often do you get on livejournal?
whenever I'm at school.

21. How many people are on your friends list?
Um...not many...I'm not "popular".

22. where art thou?
Two things come to mind when I hear that..."Romeo and Juliet" (read it a few years back) and "O Brother where art thou" which is most likely one of my favorite movies.

23. When did you join livejournal?
Not too long ago.

24. What kind of car do you drive?
A Caddy.

25. What is your dream car?
A Caddy, it's so big and bad (slobbers)

26. What is your favorite pet name?
Chong (Cheech got hit by a car) and Slash (from G&R)

28. Last time you broke the law?
This morning.

29. How long have you been in the state that you live in?
Too long.

L a s t

01. Friend(s) you saw: Rachel and Krissy.
02. Person you talked to on the phone? Tim
03. Text: uhh...long ways back...Scott
04. Message over myspace:...I dispise Myspace.

T o d a y
01. Wearing: Jeans and a sweatshirt.
02. Better than yesterday?: Yesterday sucked I was so bored.

T o m o r r o w

01. Work: School.
02. Got any plans: Uh...School.
03. Dislikes about tomorrow: I hate Tuesdays.

F a v o r i t e

01. Number: 1
02. Color: black and purple
03. Season: autumn

C u r r e n t l y

01. Missing someone: Maybe Tim... if he reads this he'll get a big head.
02. Mood: pretty much just sittin...
03. Wanting: Some very strong Tea.
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