cat and house!

May 31, 2007 14:26

So chris and I are mostly moved into the house... he still has desk and computer stuff to move, I still have a pile of random clothes/crap in the bedroom, and the kitchen is only about half moved. We have our apt. till monday, so this weekend will be busy!

Last weekend we had a "painting party" where we made people do labor in exchange for food and pizza. We got our bedroom, the foyer, the dining room, and the living room painted, save for touchups. Word to the wise: plaster soaks up paint. You WILL do two coats.

monday night was the first we spent in our house. We were totally dorky... lying in bed saying "welcome home gwyn!" "welcome home chris!" in totally sappy love.

We have most of our furniture moved over, so it's nice having vaugely functional rooms, though there is still sort of the feeling of living out of boxes.

Two days ago we got a call from a friend saying "i have a friend that has to get rid of her cat! can you take it, or will we have to give it to the pound??". So chris and I went over to meet the kitty, and after a lot of batting my eyelashes at him (from me), and adorable squirming around on the floor (from the cat), we acquired a beautiful grey tabby with a sort of pink-brown underbelly named Queenie. She was a Katrina Rescue Kitten.

She spent her first night hiding in the basement or behind the couch. Yesterday she began to feel more adventurous. Now she is curled on a chair, napping as I type this.

In other news, Chris and I will have a couple of housemates for the summer. Erika needed somewhere to live until august, so we agreed to let her live int he basement for a couple months. Then she and zach talked it over, and asked if he could live here too. So they will be taking over our basement for awhile. It will be nice to be weaned off the constant-social atmosphere of our old apartments.

i ended at dillard's a week ago tomorrow, and started my new job at a bagel place nearby monday before last. It's hellaciously early hours (i go in tomorrow at 5 AM), but fun work. Good enough for now.

So my life is crazy and upended right now... but things will settle int he next few weeks. I really hate moving, but I keep reassuring myself that, after this move, I won't have to move again for many, many years. That is a pleasant thought. It will be nice to put down some roots that are not at my father's house. Chris and i are really beginning to form our own family, of the two of us (and now the cat).

anyone is more than welcome to give us a call or stop by... we'd love to show off our space.
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