Which matters more, life or death?

Jun 05, 2007 23:43

So, this is going to be completely random and I doubt anyone will care to read it, but here we go. Last night/3am this morning I finished a book that brought up the question, what if Jesus didn't physically rise from the dead? Would that change what you believed or how you acted if you knew that Jesus didn't rise but really was just a human being who died? After much thinking, I decided that it would clear up some issues in the bible as well as create some more, but all in all it wouldn't change the fact that I see Jesus as Christ and would actually encourage me to try harder to lead a better life. I suppose I should explain that. So, some problems with the resurrection include the fact that none of the gospels agree on a date or what Jesus said etc, well this doesn't really fix that but it could help one really big problem. Crucifixion is an extremely slow process and because of the timing of the gospels, they would have have Jesus to die before nightfall so that he can be buried before sabbath. Well, that would mean that Jesus would have had to have died in about 3 hours or so. Well, since the gospels don't mention Jesus' legs being broken, that almost impossible. Without his legs broken, Jesus could still kind of hold him self up so that he could breath. If his legs were broken he would not be able to do this and would die, but here, they are not, at least I don't think so. So, without broken legs Jesus would have lived for at least 24 hours if not a few days. Well, if there was no specific time line and Jesus just died on the cross without having to rise from the dead in 3 days and there was no tomb involved but he was simply left for dead on the cross a while and then buried under his cross without any kind of grave then the things I mentioned before would not be a problem. But, it them implies that there is not life after death and that there is no heaven to go to. Is this a problem? Is Jesus not rising a problem? I don't think so. Just because Jesus did not rise to live in heaven does not mean that he can't live in our hearts. Maybe Jesus just died like a regular human but because of the amazing lessons he taught and the amazing message he spread all across the area and because of the way he touched people's lives, they could not forget him or the example he set. Something about him stuck them deep down to the soul and touched their lives in a way that he stayed alive and rose through them. They continued to pass his word along and follow his example because he had touched them so much and they could not forget him, but rather made him a part of their every day lives, and therefore Jesus lived on. and as far as no life after death, that just means that rather than selfishly looking for and trying to get into heaven that we must do all that we can in our lifetime to ensure that the way of Jesus is passed on through our actions and words. We have only this life to make an impact and the difference that needs to be made. This life would be all we had, no heaven, so make it a good life. Make people remember and want to pass the love along. I think that that is what we are called to do: be like Jesus. It's not his death that matters, it's not the idea that he was raised so that we might also rise, it is his life that matters. Why would have done all that he did and loved everyone so unconditionally and challenged all of the rules and taught things about God so fervently if all that mattered was that he died as rose for us? I think that the example of life and love that he gave us is what really matters, and we should do everything that we can to live our lives like him. To love all and do whatever good we can. To take nothing for ourselves and give everything to others. That is what matters, not what comes after life, but what we do now. And life is short, so make the best of it. Well, there you go. There is my rant. I hope at least someone enjoyed it or is at least thinking about it. I know I still am...
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