Im lost

Aug 23, 2005 18:30

Finally I have internet access again after being disconnected for sometime, this being a result of moving house. Thats right I now live in sunny Cumbria. Not really, I actually moved less than a 30 second walk round the corner to a bigger house. I live just as close to the pubs and beach as I always did but without every drunken c*** in Teign-muff pissing all over my front door every weekend.

In fact I now live next door to the police station so pretty safe as far as burglary and vandalism go. Ive tested the extent to which I can push them and I seem to get away with pounding out DK8 at several thousand decibels, aswell as providing bar facilities to all my friends and associates so generally speaking quite cushty. Just hope they don't catch on to my porn empire....

Other than this I have been studying like a mutha-fucka for some financial exams which I have taken part of already (getting a distinction no less!). All in all its been a boring and hard few months thankfully ending next month in some highly respected qualifications, a driving licence and a trip to Florida.

After that, time to stop being Serious Dearing and start being Critical Dearing again.

How is everybody else?? Im genuinely sorry I haven't spoken to or seen anybody in ages and i'm desperate to come up soon, particularly as there is now a light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope all is still cool in your worlds

Citical D

p.s. thank you Paul for sticking Cedric on as my nw pic
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