Mar 15, 2006 00:19
If I try to hide my happness around those who don't want to see it I am neglecting me. If I choose to show those feelings around those who care most I feel bad and they get up set. Can I halp my age in life, my progression, my accomplishments................NO! Should I feel sorry for being where I am, should I feel bad for being excited about what is about to happen, should I talk about it all the time............NO! This by no means is to say that all of these things don't run through my mind. I want o be happy and I want everyone around me to be happy and I want my family to be happy and I want so much. My biggest issue is not that I am not happy it is that I feel I can't express it. I can't spend enough time with any one person, I don't have enough hours inthe day to do so. There is no way for me to do all I need to do in the time alloted fo rme to do it. There is just no way.
yes, I enjoy being vague b/c this way I don't feel bad but I am ready to be blunt.
-I am happy I am graduating
-I will miss a select few from this school and they know who they are
-I don't know what I am going to do so stop asking
-Yes I am moving to Pensacola b/c I need to at tihs point (NEED)
-I want people that care about me to be at graduation, all 2 of them
-I am sad b/c I don't have a happy supportive family
-I am happy b/c I get to leave them adn start my life
-Will I visit more than once..........most likely not
-Will I keep in touch on a regular basis........only if you call me
-Do I have enough tie to spend it with my friends now......NO
-Do I have to work....YES... I need to do something so I have money in the bank
-Do I think my mother is crazy hell yes
So what else do you want to know??
*I am so excited that I am done here at Flagler and I want you all to know that I don't want to hide my excitement any longer, No I won't flaunt it but I need to be happy about this.
*I am going to miss people but will I keep in touch.....well my track record isn't that good so help me out a little
*I love what this school has done for me and I will never forget it.
So for now I am done!! :)