QOD: "God would be a dyke if she could find someone to hold her."

Nov 18, 2005 03:06

Haha well lets see I post b/c I'm tired and I am but I can't sleep therefore you get a post!
Ok so I was told that you are supose to do these things in like paragraphs or something like that so ummmmmm I'm gonna try it.

Thought 1- it's three in the fucking morning and I am tired and I don't know why I can't sleep?? Any ideas gladly accepting any advice at this point??

Though 2- The end of the semester and well is is taking forever to end............much like this sentence.
I now need to find a poem for my final in Oral Interp. and a good one I'm thinking something contraversial just to be annoying, I hear I'm good at that. Then I have to read like 5 more theory pieces and well I can't even go one day without compareing life to some dam sociological theory or some shit like that. Then theatre history and hell now I have to learn more crap I don't really want to learn about and take another test.......oh and the paper I turn in tomor..eh..today was hell I had to find a page and a half on this guy when our text book only wrote 1 column and then you think oh a page and a half no biggie...I had a nervous breakdown and no lies there was no info anywhere. Oh and then I have like the coolest class in the world and well I like the last one so ummm yeah.

Thought 3- Someone told me the other day that I don't express my feelings enough.I never say I miss them or anyonoe so umm now I'll tell you why. When you give into the idea that you miss someone it makes you vunerable to that person and I hate to be vunerable so I will live in my world of walls and love every min. of it so there.

Though ummmmm 4- yeah this whole paragraph thing is not as much fun as just going but whatever makes it easy on the reader. So the QOD but you wonder where I get it??? Well in my search for poetry I remembered this slam poet Mea listens too named Alix Olson and well she has this one poem that is about well you get the idea.

Ok I think I can sleep now.

" If you can't sleep alone I'm better off(X2), if you can't sleep alone." -Emery
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