Last Night's Shennannigans

Nov 12, 2009 06:10

I got off work early yesterday, and the girls had been good, so I thought we could go see a movie. (this is a HUGE treat in our house because we rent/buy so many movies for cheap that we don't feel the need to go see things in theater) I've been hearing a lot about Christmas Carol 3D and I thought the kids would get a kick out of it. So I look up show times, which is a pain in the you know what to begin with. They don't do a good job of delineating 2D from 3D screens on line. I linked from the 3D overview to showtimes thinking that would do it, but no. We tried to catch a 2:00 showing at one theater, but they had signs up saying they didn't do the 3D thing. So we tried to catch the 2:30 showing at another theater. NO signs saying anything about not having 3D, in fact, lots of signs advertising 3D. So I buy tickets for the 2:30 show and while the tickets are printing I make small talk about extra charges for the the 3D glasses or what not, and she says yah 3D has a more complex projector so it costs more, but this showing isn't 3D. What the hell do you think I'm buying tickets for the biggest 3D movie in the last decade for? So I try to get the tickets changed and of course we have to wait for a manager. I could catch the 2:00 showing which was already 15 minutes into it (would have been closer to 40 minutes by the time all was said and done) or get the 4:30 showing (which was NOT matinee, and thus defeating the whole purpose of going to a movie because I got off work early), and by now the kids are all ramped up for a movie in 3D... it turned out to be 50 freakin' bucks for 2 adults and 2 kids.

I had told the kids that my boss's wife reached out and tried to touch the snow because it was so real. When the did the "Disney 3D" splash screen it had effects popping out and my 4 year old says "Whoaaa, I feel like I'm in snow!" Which was hilarious because it wasn't snow it was just some metal bars rotating around. The movie was GREAT! Really well done. I didn't get most of it because my eyes are different. (near in one eye, far in the other) So a lot of the 3D was lost on me, but the kids got a load of fun out of it, so it was worth it to me.

Then we were almost late for a 7:15 appointment I had in Hillsboro (40 or more minutes away). But we made it. I was meeting someone to buy a new camera (craigslist). We got a Cannon A1100IS, which has mixed reviews but so far I like it. Then it's off to a pizza birthday party for a friend of ours that we haven't seen in a while. And that was fun times.
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