Aug 25, 2010 19:50
What's the worst mistake you've ever made in your life and how did you get past it?
What a fucking a question. And I have no goddamn idea. I've made so many mistakes and the more I think about it, the more I've beaten the word "mistake" to death; to the point where it's definition becomes foggy to me. When does a mistake becoming just...something stupid. Stubbing a toe, cutting a fingernail to short, paper cut, accidentally using shower gel on your hair and shampoo on your body...
The WORST mistake, though. That's a big one. What would it take to make the worst mistake of...anyone's life? Long term negligence? Dropping your baby? Watching Inception when everyone raves it's a great movie but then you see it and there's no real fucking ending and you want your goddamn money back?
I don't know, I mean I've become pretty depressed and angry. I don't know if it's a mistake that I felt that way, surely some of those times those emotions were totally warranted. But is it a mistake to act on those emotions? Is it "right" to hold them in instead? Sometimes when I'm depressed...I don't want to become happy again. I feel like it will belittle my intense depressed feelings, and that I will just go back to my droning, micromanaged life. Sometimes when I'm depressed I fee like...I don't know, like it's real. It's ra I'm not filtering what I say, the feelings I hurt, who I might offend, or however much I sensationalize an experience when thinking about it in retrospect... when actually experiencing it wasn't nearly as severe. I know those feelings are totally irrational and illogical... but...that's what I start to believe. ...Is that a mistake?
Anyways, something potentially bad could have happened between today and five days ago. Seems like nothing bad is going to happen now though. Thank...god.