Jan 25, 2010 17:40
I keep on ending up eating by myself on campus during lunch and dinner times... I don't mean to imply my eating times are consistent, but I don't know, people don't invite me to eat with them ever. I guess it's partially my fault for not asking other people, but it gets awkward a lot of the time because I usually eat after I practice...practice alone, in a small practice room.
It's just depressing, and it makes me feel like I need more friends. Maybe I do need more friends... I don't know why I don't have more. I had a lot in high school and it doesn't...FEEL like I'm doing anything different, really. It worries me, and I've been becoming more and more aware of it especially when I'm trying to procrastinate on homework. I'll try and go online to talk with someone and... *sigh* it's like I have no connections any more. I WANT to get out there, and I'm really not trying to be shy.
Otherwise, this piano thing has still got me really stressed. My lesson is tomorrow, and it should go without saying that I'm TERRIFIED. I've practiced every day for several hours... and I really don't want to let the other members of my chamber ensemble, my piano teacher, or myself down, but it looks like that is definitely one of the things that might end up happening.
My u-lock is about to rust shut, so I had to buy a new one (FORTY DOLLARS. WTF!!!), and I don't know, maybe I'm weird about my bike or something, but I didn't want to let go of my old u-lock. It was a good one! I think my bike has been the most consistent thing in my life at Davis.