another one where i talk about a few different things at once

Sep 22, 2006 00:27

unfortunately, i didn't make it to the french line in 3d on friday. toward the end of the work day, i acquired a quite painful headache presumably brought upon the by mediocre chinese food we got for free lunch that day. instead of heading up to the egyptian theatre early in an attempt to get into the movie, i headed home to bed in an attempt to sleep off the pain. after a few hours it worked, and i arrived at the theater just before 11 for the midnight screening of the bubble. i was the fourth person in line, which was quite a difference from tuesday's line for house of wax. well, an hour of waiting turned into an hour and 45 minutes, as the previous show was running late. i stuck it out because i had already bought my ticket, but they made up for the inconvenience by offering everybody a free ticket to any of the upcoming screenings that weren't already sold out. as i had already bought my ticket for paul morrissey's frankenstein, i opted for a ticket to the 11am screening of robot monster. sure, it was early, but i had considered getting a ticket for it anyway. well, the bubble was somewhat disappointing. it had some cheezy 3d effects, including a floating beer tray with visible strings, but it never really went anywhere. i got home around 3:30am and was on my way back up to the theater just six hours later. but i am glad i ended up with that ticket because robot monster is the most unintentionally hilarious movie i've seen since cool as ice. the budget had to be about $100, so it is amazing that it was even shot in 3d. unfortunately, it uses one of my most hated movie endings, but the preceding film was so entertaining that i had to forgive it. anything else i could say would ruin it for those of you who haven't seen it, so let me just say that if you enjoy bad movies you must see this now. i went home for a few hours before returning to the theater for dial m for murder. the line was much longer an hour before showtime for that one. some guy in line gave me his plastic 3d glasses because he had opted to spring for the clip-on lenses instead, which was incredibly nice of him but a bit weird. i actually had never seen this movie before, and i enjoyed it quite a bit. however, i shouldn't really be surprised, as i've never seen anything by hitchcock that i didn't like. instead of going home after that, i decided to stay in the area and got some food at in-n-out, perused the used sections at amoeba, and ate some delicious mango ice cream at mashti malone's before heading back to the theater for another midnight screening. this time i was the second person in line, but a significant audience arrived shortly thereafter. unfortunately, because of the late screening, they didn't let udo kier speak for very long. the main thing i remember him saying was when he was asked what was harder about filming the movie in 3d: "i had to act in three dimensions!" i had never seen the movie before, and it was enjoyable, although i think i probably prefer dracula a bit more. oh, and it didn't help that the guy next to me kept falling asleep and snoring. i had to kick the seat in between us to make him stop, but he would just start again eventually. it was so fucking rude; if you are falling asleep and snoring in a movie, go home! also, i will never again go up to hollywood and highland on a weekend night if i can help it, for it is full of the most vapid and deplorable people — the kind of people that make everybody else hate hollywood and assume that everybody in los angeles must be like them. you know, the ones who are all fake and loud and care about nothing but fashion and partying. i actually overheard a guy say, "i'm gonna fuck somethin' tonight!" ugh.

on sunday we finally made it over for the last day of the banksy show, where apparently the entire city of los angeles went that weekend. the turnout was insane, but every douche in the city was there, too. this hobbit in front of us as we waited in line made some ignorant comments as he held the plastic cup from his starbuck's drink in his hand. looking at a homeless man to our right, he said quite loudly (and i paraphrase), "look at all the effort he is putting into finding a few pieces of trash to recycle. he's going to spend all day doing that for what little money he can get for it. he should put all of that energy and effort into getting a job!" he said this before going into an art exhibit which contained pieces like this one, whose main intention was to comment on similar class issues. i'm sure the message was lost on him, as he was probably only there because it would give him some sort of cred. however, i later saw this article, which unfortunately kind of tainted the entire show and rendered it potentially as hypocritical as that hobbit in the line. i can only hope that some of that money ($226,000 for the aforelinked painting alone) went toward helping the people for which banksy was trying to say that "life isn't getting any fairer." regardless, i am glad that we were able to attend the show, as it was quite interesting. the paint on the elephant had been removed by sunday, but it was still kind of awesome to be that close to an elephant. at times i found myself more enthralled with watching her (yes, the elephant is a 38-year-old female named tai) eat a few whole potatoes at once than looking at any of the artwork. but some of the artwork did manage to leave an impression on me. oh, i almost forgot the other bit of irony at this show.. to view the artwork of a known graffiti artist who has defaced many a wall, the guards at the door were checking people for sharpies.

last night, we tried to make it over to the richest shoppingtown i've ever been in for a free screening of the borat movie. well, we made it there but not into the movie. unfortunately, every other local dork on myspace was there, too. so we just ate dinner and went home. it was strange eating baja fresh on actual plates with silverware and then leaving our dirty dinnerware on the table for somebody else to clean up. i would hate to ever become somebody who expects these things at a mall food court.

dorks, banksy, movies, hypocrites, rich people, shoppingtown, 3d

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