Liz = God

May 03, 2004 19:32

Journal Changes:

1. Layout - Liz was kind enough to make me a GORGEOUS Daisy LJ layout because she's just amazing. All icon & graphic credit goes to her. I ♥ you!


2. Friends Only - I decided to remove 'Friends Only' because I'm not trying to hide anything...secret. (Well, okay, the whole machete thing is supposed to be convidential...but that's ok). So feel free to frolick in this Public goodness! XD

Yeah...that's it...


Today for English our librarian came in to talk to us about our independent reading novels. A lot of the books looked really good but one stood out in particular...Catalyst. Seriously, this novel looks awesome. I was allowed to skim through some pages and read a line or two...which made me very happy. Since I was rather eager to being I made mom go out and get me it from Borders...since I'm such a demanding child...xD

If anyone has read/heard of/knows of Catalyst let me know! Would love to hear some comments before I actually begin to read it...

I think I'm cursed.

No joke.

Thursday afternoon there was supposed to be a Track Meet at Edgemont Hight School but guess what? THEY CHANGED IT TO WEDNESDAY BECAUSE IT CONFLICTED WITH JV'S SCHEDULE! I COULD HAVE MADE THE GODDAMN THING BECAUSE THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN MY 16 PRACTICE! Now it's on Wednesday which means I will not be able to fucking make it.

Argh...I'm so pissed off...

Oh, and before I forget, does anyone have any rant ideas for this week? Would really like to hear your opinions...:)

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