.21 days

Jun 10, 2008 12:29

Hello! It's your Summery mod here. Just to let you know that it is 21 days until the start of the summer challenges.

There's now a list of rules up on the user info page, which you can also see under the cut. I hope you're all thinking sunshiney thoughts!


· This challenge spans over the month of July. A prompt will be issued every day, either in the form of a quote, photo, or lyrics.

· As the participant, you will then be expected to respond to that prompt in any way which you see fit. You could write fic, draw something, take a picture, make crafty things: all that's important is how you tie it in with the prompt from that day.

· Once you've got your entry for that day, post it in your journal (or whichever journal you use to post fic/art/etc,) and then link to it in the comments. This saves the comm from blocking up anyone's filters. At the end of July a day-by-day list will be released to make sure nothing is overlooked.


· You don't have to necessarily complete the prompt for a specific day on the day which it was released. If you like the look of a previous entry, you're more than welcome to go back and complete the prompt at a later date. Just make sure you still post the link for your fic/art/etc in the prompt post for that date.

· Having said that, this is a challenge. If you think you can handle it, try for every day on time!

· It's a cliché but have fun! We all want to see some summer lovin' Jack's and Ianto's by the time we're through.

Good luck, my lovelies! Feel free to ask any questions here.

mod post : notices

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