...You can forget civil rights. How are you going to get civil rights with men like
Eastland and men like
Dirksen and men like
Johnson? It has to be taken out of their hands and taken to the hands of those whose power and authority exceed theirs. Washington has become too corrupt. Uncle Sam has become bankrupt when it comes to a conscience --
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also, how can this asshole expect anyone non-black to care when he says stuff like: I haven't got anything against Jews, but that's their problem. ?
Ok, then, i haven't got anything against the blacks, but that's their problem, so stfu malcolm x.
and why is it ok for him to say stuff like "a cracker president" and even be admired for it? what if someone were to call obama "a nigger president"? why isn't the negative reaction equal? it should be if we believe so strongly in equality between the races.
the added power of the Negro in this country would sweep all of the racists and the segregationists out of the country.
including himself? because the Negro is the most racist creature i have ever met!
I'm not quite sure how you've forgotten about slavery all of a sudden. I'm curious if any one from the US government ever went to jail or ... was even fined for that kind of abuse. I guess because slavery was legal at the time it was fair? No law, no penalty? Is that enough of a reason to "get over one's self"? Luckily the Chinese don't mind having been used as a minimum wage work force, otherwise cracker whitey cross burner would have a real mess on his hands.
You're right. It is their problem, and he's one of them dealing with it. So stfu, Diane. :)
I think I enjoy the term "cracker president" because it makes me feel like I actually have something in common with Malcolm X, other than the conspiracy stuff. It sounds better coming out of Bill Hick's mouth, "cracker", but that's splitting hairs.
well, he's trying to get people other than his people to care. and his very attitude indicates that he's a hypocrite and no one should care if they aren't black.
but really, why is "nigger president" so offensive when you're actually enjoying "cracker president"? why the inequality, hmm?
Because I'm not just looking at it in a completely clinical, emotionless comparison of terms. One fills me with sour hatred, the other with a giddy confederacy.
Why that is is because I find white supremacy reproachable and lunatic, and black people getting resentment off their chest in a "when in Rome" exhibition of free speech somewhat validating of my own hatred of racist/supremacist white people.
No, the N-word(!!) isn't funny to me. Nor thrilling. It's nothing but gross to me. I have, though, heard of a fellow who was a submissive who went by the name Nigger. that was pretty interesting.
And crackers are deserving of my spite and scorn. It's not "just 'cuz they're white."
Whitey isn't arbitrarily racist. He doesn't just have a beef with the black man for no reason.
Seems to me that no master wants to give up his place in the pecking order.
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