This just cracked me up. I do this to kids all the time, but I like to make sure they leave with a feel for and understanding of, and even interest in the Old Tech.
What was most hilarious, I think, was showing junior high kids school books and such from the 1950s back. I would open the presentation with a clip from "The Little Rascals", and the kids would be "O.O!!!" "We'd get CREAMED for that!!" and tell the old tale of how Tedd's dad would get out of school (he'd toss skunk fat on the one room school houses stove. Class DISMISSED!).
Then I'd show them the books we once studied from. The best was handing around a 1900s book of Tennyson's Poems. I'd open it up to his "country" poems (which are written in dialect), and have the kids try to read them out loud. Total scream. They'd spend hours messing with the books after the presentation if allowed. They Loooveed the Dr. Suess book I have: "Boners". No really. That's what it's called. It's hysterical.
Well. Anyhow, this is guaranteed to make you feel OLD! >:D It's in French, but there's translations.
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