Rabbit Hole Day

Jan 27, 2010 21:53

Tedd was watching the television, or I thought he was, as it happened, he was reading. Which is rather cheating, if you're going to watch the television, then watch it and pay attention, don't enhance it with something that makes sense.

Though one wonders if there is any sense to a book called 'Roadmarks', when every second chapter it simply starts at the first. A rather peculiar habit for a book, but he said it was Zelanzy and thus to be expected.

I was at my computer, downloading various models, which is tiring work. But I really felt wide awake when the fox went running across my feet - strange enough that one of the shy silver foxes from the mountains would come down here (maybe he was after my chickens!), but he was on his hind legs and had a paw over the hat on his head, muttering about being quite late.

He could be after my chickens, so I grabbed my broom and went running after him into the bright sunshine.

"Sunshine!" I thought, "It was just stormy."

But that's how California is, one minute, there is weather, the next, there isn't. Mostly, there isn't.

I chased after the fox, though I didn't realize it at the time, but it was all green foothills. Where was my yard? I made a wrong turn. The fox lost me in the culvert, and I stopped, looking around.

Nothing at all but a table with a sports drink on it. The sports drink read "Don't Drink Me!" which well it should, since they're full of sugar. But I still wanted to know what the fox was up to, and went on.

A table was set up with two smiling geese in lovely floral print dresses, and if you've never seen a goose smile, well they do. These two did, anyhow. They had an array of trays before them on a table.

"Come and try the wonderful foods," one honked.

"You really should," the other added, "They are perfect, without fat, without sugar, without anything at all!"

"Wouldn't that be eating air?" I asked.

"Oh no, they're full of more perfect food. For instance, this eclair. It looks like chocolate and pastry, but it has none of that. It has wonderful ingredients, guantanimo flack, irripearican boheme, unibase cohobe, and of course, not a bit of corn syrup."

"It's maize," the other confided.

"Is that food?" I asked doubtfully. It didn't sound terrifically appetizing.

"Of course it's food! It's reducing food. Why, look at us. Three months of eating these wonderful reducing foods, and we're far too slim to ever end up on the Christmas Dinner table," the first chortled, standing to show how slender and lovely she was.

But being a goose, it really was hard to say.

"If you say so," I nodded.

"Here, try it. You'll see! It's even more delicious than anything else," the second insisted. I was so caught up in thinking, it was so strange that the more healthy food you feed a goose, greens and oats and corn and such, the fatter and juicier they get, that I absently took a bite of the eclair.

It really tasted horrid, but it would be rude to make a face, so I didn't. But the next thing I knew...

I was quite reduced. Very much so. Eye to eye (to eye) with the two geese! My broom was much too big for me to carry now!

"That's really not how it is supposed to work," one of the geese scolded me.

I really should hope not. I'd rather be thin than about a foot and half high. On the other hand, I could see the small passageway that the fox must have run down!

"Excuse me, I have to go!" I called and ran down the passage.

rabbit hole day, probably doing it wrong and i don't care

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