Mar 20, 2011 08:52
On Friday, I was home by 6, and then (aside from going running) I didn't leave the house until 6 last night. So I was basically home for 24 hours, and I almost forgot how helpful that is when I'm feeling scattered. Being home really makes a difference for me...or at least, being not-out. Because I think it could be anywhere that felt like being IN.
Then last night we had a suburb adventure. We went to a chain restaurant and had some yummy food, and then we went to a big-box store and I bought a replacement to my black fleece jacket that I've been wearing more or less constantly since 2003. When I was at l'Arche, I wore that sucker almost every day for two years. Then I went to Colorado and kept wearing it, almost every day, unless the weather was too cold and I had to wear a coat. Then I moved home last year and kept wearing it a lot, and then I moved here and haven't worn it as much because 1. it's a lot too big now and 2. it's super ratty. So now I have a smart black jacket to wear instead. It is sleek.
This morning, I'm really craving more at-home time, but I know I have to go teach Sunday school. We're talking about Zaccheus today, which is a good story for kids, in my opinion. We're going to make "kindness coupons" to give to people in our lives, a la "whatsoever I have taken from the poor, I will give them back fourfold."
And then there's a play about restorative justice this afternoon, and I'm very excited about that as well. I think it will be very interesting. It's a topic I've been thinking about and reading about a lot lately.
Okay, time to get moving. I want to stop by the bagel shop this morning before church! Nearby the church is the best bagel bakery ever! And they have amazing pitas too. It's called Happy Bagel Bakery, at Finch and Bathurst.