Challenge 08 - Las Vegas

Aug 13, 2007 12:15

Having returned from Sin City itself only a few months ago I thought that Las Vegas would be a good idea for a theme. There are lights, sounds and action everywhere making the photos colorful and wild.  I'm interested to see how you all take this challenge seeing that it is the most urban by far.  Best of luck to you all!

[*] All entries are due by 8:oo pm EST, Friday August 24th. NO late entries will be accepted.
[*] You may submit a maximum of three (3) icons.
[*] All effects are allowed except for animation.
[*] Your submission must fit LJ standards (100x100 / 40K or less .jpg, .gif or .png)
[*] For the full set of rules click here
[*] Make sure that your submissions includes both the icon and the URL

I have provided a number of images for your convienence, to view an image click on its thumbnail.  Anyhow feel free to use any of these images but if you'd like to use an image of your own you MUST PROVIDE ME WITH THE ORIGINAL FULL SIZE IMAGE, this is just to make banner-making easier. (Credit to


challenge 08 - submission

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