Aug 21, 2007 22:48
Thinking I had a 5 hour class this afternoon (not entirely sure why I though that) I slept in a little so I'd be able to pay attention well. After looking in my planner the class is actually only 3 hours. But in any case. Went to school and started reading about unconventional gas and how it is extracted and such. I thought the method was rather clever. I also looked at some geological maps of Arkansas and some areas I might check out online. Headed to class at some point...and it went well. There was actually a colloquium scheduled for today, and I read the speaker info, then realized it was during class today. But we ended up going to the colloquium for class (it's usually Thursdays, so it won't usually conflict) and taking notes. It was interesting and there were some nice photos and I learned some knew things.
After the colloquium they have food, rather nice food. Not super nice, but sandwiches, fruit, chips and dip, cheese ball and cracker, and cookies. So that was exciting. For some reason the colloquium speaker started talking to me. He asked if I was a student or teacher, what level I was and then asked if I understood his talk. I felt a bit awkward, but I told him I was from Indiana and that they have some nice karst there and also asked a brief question I had about one of the things he discussed in the talk. Hopefully he though well of me, lol. I also talked to a faculty member who suggested I apply for some minority scholarships as some other students I have earned some. He also mentioned a conference coming up in October held by a minorities in science group, that was actually being held in Kansas City. Apparently the school will cover the registration of those that want to go (well, I assume you must apply). I'm going to get some info, but it unfortunately happens to be the same week as fall break, which I was thinking would be a good time to see Travis. We'll see...I'd like to see what kind of events and such they are having. Perhaps too, I can attend a portion and not the whole.
Came home and Julie said I had a package, as I was talking to Travis. It turned out to be from Travis! I believe this is the first package I have from received from him. It was one of those treat tiered gifts from Harry and David's. I always wondered how they sent those, and now I know. Sadly, though I guess it was supposed to come a week or two after he visited (this weekend). But maybe they will give him some kind of reimbursement for the mistake. Later I went to the SRFC. They don't have as many stretching mats, which is unfortunate. It also seemed a bit more crowded, but there were plenty of ellipticals when I arrived, though they were all taken when I left. And now I'm here. Tomorrow I'm hoping to maybe see Greg, and perhaps I will see him this weekend, too, and maybe even Valerie, but it's yucky since Trav is visiting. But I haven't seen them in a long time either. Maybe we'll do dinner.