Summer Vacation '09

Aug 05, 2009 13:34

So, even though I'm currently jobless, Emily and I said screw it and went on our scheduled vacation anyway. Half of it was already paid for, no point in totally losing that money by staying home and moping.

Thursday we went to Warped Tour in Milwaukee.

Meg & Dia

We happened to catch the very tail end of their set while we were sitting in the amphitheater planning our day.
They weren't very memorable.

The White Tie Affair

I really just liked their smiley face wavy guys... and their cover of Just Dance by Lady Gaga. It amused me.

Streetlight Manifesto

They're ska, which I usually like listening to live, but these guys... not so much.

The Bouncing Souls

I know they've been around for 20-some years and are really respected, but holy crap were they boring to watch.
Sorry, Bouncing Souls.


Gallows are a hardcore punk band from England. They perform in the pit (that's them on the left).
I lost some skin on my shin during their set. \m/

All Time Low

They're pretty funny when they perform, cracking a lot of jokes and interacting with the audience.
Jack, the guy on the left, has a bright pink bra hanging from his mic stand, courtesy of a fan.

Westbound Trains

Another ska band. They were OK, but their fans were a blast to watch dancing.

Senses Fail

Not too bad, but Emily and I were getting a headache from the echoing acoustics in the amphitheater so we didn't watch their entire set.

A view of part of Milwaukee's Warped Tour.

We're so cool.


The lead singer reminds me a lot of Joan Jett. She also belched into the mic and I fell in love.
Here the drummer is drumming on the bass.


P.O.S. is a rare rapper on the tour. He also performed in the pit, and is at the center of all those hands. He seemed to have a positive message in his lyrics, contrary to most rap and hip-hop.

Breathe Carolina

I don't even remember what they sounded like, and I think we left not long after their set started.


They're usually awesome, and they were this time too, but the smell of the pot being smoked right next to us was making me sick (I was not cut out to be a stoner) so we had to leave.


Their set was freaking AWESOME. The fans were awesome, the performance was awesome, I was totally grinning like a loon and jumping around like a fool the whole time. <3

Sunset over the freeway.

On Friday we went to Mount Olympus Water and Theme Park in Wisconsin Dells.
Mount Olympus has the best wave pool in existence. Instead of the standard sissy waves that most wave pools create, this one makes one massive wave about every 3 minutes or so.

When the wave starts, people either cheer or flee toward the shore.

Sometimes they do both at the same time.

This wave pretty much annihilates you and all you can really do is hold your nose...

hold your breath...

and go with it.

And when it's over, you make sure you still have your swimsuit on (it likes to rip your swim trunks off hahaha), and you go back out to do it again.

It's the freaking bomb.

This is our favorite roller coaster, Hades. It goes under the parking lot for about 1/3 of the ride. Here it's just about to go under.
Last time we were at Mount Olympus, there were no lights under there. It was pitch black. They've since installed lights and it doesn't have quite the same effect. Still fun, but not terrifying anymore.

Marley's, where we ate dinner.

At Marley's, the menus are giant fish.

You get to draw on the table, and drinks come with umbrellas in them.
(We're easily amused, OK?)

Even the alligator appetizer comes with an umbrella... do the breadsticks accompanying the shrimp scampi...

...and the tortillas with the chicken fajitas.

On Saturday we went to the Como Zoo in St. Paul.

I love giraffes.

So does Emily.

Holy crap, this baby orangutan was the cutest thing EVER.
We laughed so hard watching him play, he was adorable.


Emily loves tortoises, too.

And I look exactly like this gorilla.
It's uncanny.

These itty bitty Tamarin look like little old men, but the sweet kind that tell stories about the old days, not the crabby kind that yell about these damn kids today.

This one was determined to get my camera.
So cute!

There was a special live butterfly exhibit going on, where you entered a giant mesh caterpillar through the front and exited out the back.
I wonder if that made us all frass?
(That's the fancy name for caterpillar poop.)

Butterfly exhibits are so magical, with all the butterflies flitting everywhere, and the massive blue one that was dive bombing everyone...

Then on Sunday we went to Warped Tour in Minneapolis.

First off, I thought we were going to die in the 156 degrees-not a cloud in the sky-no shade to be found-weather. But just when I felt like one of those people in the movies who get lost in the desert and are seeing mirages and begging for water, it got cloudy and the rest of the day was actually enjoyable.

The Devil Wears Prada

They were wayyyyy screamo and I couldn't really tolerate much more than 45 seconds of them.
Sorry, guys.

The White Tie Affair

Hahahahhahahhaaha it's the smiley wavy guys again.
I just took a picture on the way by because they make me laugh.

All Time Low

We watched them both days for Emily.


While we sat on the ground eating, we listened to them play.


We tried catching their set again. Nobody was smoking pot next to us this time, so we got to watch what we missed in Milwaukee.

Like this stellar circle pit.


We came across Aiden while we were wandering around, and I decided to crowd surf. Look, there I am!
The guitar player seems amazed that my bulk made it all the way to the front without crushing anyone.

First Wil made the security guys move and invited everyone into the barricade area, so the fans were right up against the stage.
Then he came down into the crowd...

...and organized the most intense mosh pit I've ever seen. Seriously, holy shit.
I assume someone picked up that guy that fell down since I didn't see any crushed people after the set.

If you can't read his shirt, it says "I Am The Devil". He made the comment, "...and I don't fucking wear Prada!"
Sorry, The Devil Wears Prada.


Oh, sweet crying baby Jesus, BOOOOORING.
Not sorry, VersaEmerge.
You suck.

The Maine

I was not impressed, but Emily wanted to see them.

Big D and the Kids Table

Another fun ska band. Unfortunately, Emily and I had to pee crazy bad and couldn't make it through the whole set.

Less Than Jake

We came across Less Than Jake while wandering around after we went pee. I saw them at Warped in 2006 and they were so much fun to watch. They did not disappoint this time. Lots of banter between songs, joking, and interaction with the crowd.
Here we're getting hit with a super soaker.

Then they thought it would be fun to be different and instead of organizing your standard circle pit, they'd organize a naked male catwalk. Here the crowd is setting up the catwalk.

This guy was so ready to jump up there and strut his stuff.

He's got his shirt off...

...there goes the belt...

...he's a boxers kind of guy!...

...with a hairless butt...

...and the guts to pull his junk out and wave it at the crowd!
I was laughing so hard at this point I was almost crying, but I was thinking, "Oh shit, where's Emily?"

Here's a different guy taking his turn on the catwalk.

And the first guy is back for another run.

Oh man, this has to go down as one of the best concert moments EVER. And thankfully, when Emily heard the words naked male, she bolted for the very back of the crowd by the sound tent, where all she saw was maybe a little butt cheek. (Or so she says. I feel better thinking she did, anyway.)


We had so much fun watching them in Milwaukee, we had to catch them one more time.

I have to admit, I was a little surprised by them. I totally expected the tall skinny guy to look the way he did, but I didn't expect the preppy frat-boy looking guy. I know, I'm an assumptive asshole.
Sorry, 3OH!3, I still love you.

Sunset as we were (trying to) leave at the end of the day.
Holy stuck in a major traffic jam.

Emily outside our hotel before we left to go home.

May I take a moment to give a little commentary on the attire at Warped?

First of all, this is what happens when you're a fucking moron and wear flip-flops to Warped. They end up left to die in the pit and you end up walking barefoot on filthy, 95 degree blacktop the rest of the day. Don't be a dumbshit, wear real shoes.

Or, you know, 6 inch spike heels.
Because moshing in those won't break your ankle.

I know they qualify as real shoes, but if the weather warrants a bikini top, you should probably re-think the mukluks.
Just sayin'.

I'm just really confused why someone would tattoo a machine gun on such a nice hip and thigh.
Anyone? Anyone?

Confidential to the kid dancing in the Superman cape:
I think I love you.

But maybe not as much as the guy in the Cookie Monster hat. <3

emily, i have a life, aweshum, happy, holidays, music, peek-a-tures, dorkus, concerts, hot guys

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