(no subject)

Dec 28, 2007 15:18

So, Christmas was very good to me, but yesterday was not.  I came down with the stomach flu, came home from work early, and spent the afternoon/evening/night wishing I would die.  At one point I gave up any decency I may have had and laid down on the bathroom floor next to the toilet, naked except for underwear and slippers.  My mom brought me ginger ale for my tummy and baby wipes for my sore butt at 9:30 last night, and my dad came over today to open my front door for me.  It had frozen shut and I was too weak from being sick to get it open by myself.  So obviously I'm home today, feeling slightly better but not all that much.  At least I've stopped being best friends with my toilet, so that's good.

The worst part about being sick when you're gluten-free is not being able to eat chicken noodle soup and saltines when you're recovering.  Those are total comfort foods, and dry puffed rice cereal is just not the same.

I made my first house payment today.  That was almost as painful as the stomach flu, with the added bonus that it lasts for 30 years rather than 30 hours.

There must be some trashy talk show on TV right about now.  I'm off to find it.  Does anyone know if  Jerry Springer is still on the air?  He was my favorite back when I worked 2nd shift.  How I miss Jerry and his white trash circus.  *sigh*

house, gluten-free, that sucks, sickly, ewww

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