An Update With Actual Content

May 09, 2007 20:02

Stuff has happened that I forgot to mention. I actually forget to mention stuff on here a lot. I'm a bad LJ'er.

So, we all remember my gastritis last year and how I was in pain, right? And the lovely diarrhea that went along with said gastritis. And the weird diets the different doctors had me on, and the medication, and how none of it fucking worked. Right.

So time marches on and I started taking a probiotic every day which helped a little, but I still felt crappy all the time. I was always bloated and had horrible gas and if I forgot to take my probiotic the diarrhea would come back with a vengeance. And the longer time marched on, the more tired I was getting, until the last month or so where I could barely function. I could not make it through my day at work without napping, and I'd doze off while driving. I'd get home from work and all I could do was lay on the couch. Getting up seemed like the most challenging physical activity in existance. I couldn't cook, I couldn't clean, poor Emily had to make herself supper most nights, and I was lucky if I could stay awake past 8:00.

This was obviously not gastritis. Something was seriously wrong with me.

I couldn't go back to the stupid doctors because they couldn't figure out what was wrong in the first place, so I did some research myself and came to the conclusion that I most likely have Celiac Disease. The only treatment for this is a totally gluten-free diet, so that's what I've been doing for the past couple weeks.

I feel amazing.

I haven't fallen asleep driving at all, and I've only had to nap at work a couple times. I manage to stay awake until 9:30 or so. I still don't clean because I hate cleaning, but I've been cooking on a regular basis again. I'm not bloated anymore and I just have normal gas now. I haven't had any diarrhea since starting the diet.

So it looks like I'll be eating gluten-free for the rest of my life. Sometimes it's tricky, especially eating in restaurants, but it's worth it to feel good and be able to function again.

I have other stuff to update about, but I'll save that for another day.

food, celiac, gluten-free, diet, sickly

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