Gym Class Heroes, Jet, Guster, Plain White T's

Dec 17, 2006 21:43

I have yet another concert to babble about!

On Saturday morning I got in my car and drove for ever and ever until I got to my cousin Brett's in Chicago. He actually lives in the suburbs, so we were going to take the train downtown for the show, but on my way in I heard on the radio that there was going to be a 21+ afterparty. The trains don't run long enough for us to go to that, so I pulled out my most cousinly charm and we drove downtown instead. We finally found parking, then Brett said I needed some culture, so he took me to a restaurant to eat. All the waiters were gay... they were patting each other on the ass and giving each other backrubs the whole time, it was amusing. I think Brett meant to shock me, but it didn't work. I'm from northern Wisconsin, not Siberia.

So we ate, then went to the show. We got right up front against the barricade, a little bit off to the left. Gym Class Heroes was ok. Nothing spectacular to write home about, though. I had a crappy little disposable camera, so my pictures didn't turn out all that great. They're not cropped, though.

Next up was Jet. They were incredible. Total rock show. And holy crap, Nic Cester has the best scream EVER. I'd definitely pay to see them again. \m/

Guster was next. They sucked. Really sucked. Brett kept calling them "That Damn Hippie Granola Band". That was a pretty accurate description. We only watched That Damn Hippie Granola Band for a song and a half, then went and got beers and sat in the lobby and watched people leaving in droves. Heh.

When it was time, we went across the street to the afterparty. We had to show our special text messages to get in. Plain White T's were playing there, woo! (I love them, in case you didn't know.) Brett was designated driver, so he quit drinking while I continued. Shots and more beer, yay! Of course I was in the basement peeing (in the bathroom, thank you... the bathrooms were in the basement) when the band started. But I used my powers of elbow and got right up front anyway. There wasn't a barricade so I just leaned on the stage. Had I known this was going to happen, I would have worn a more revealing shirt and flashed my cleavage. :oP

After the T's were done, I stole the setlist. (I stole it because it was taped to the floor and nobody was around to give it to me. Otherwise I would have asked.) Then I dragged Brett around the bar to get autographs and pictures. He was not amused, but he humored me.

Travis and me! He's very tall. o.0

Tom and me! He's very short. He's also very patient and waited while I hunted down a sharpie to sign my stolen setlist.

Setlist front. Duh.

Setlist back, signed.

So that's it. I got pics and autographs and then Brett dragged me out of there, party pooper. I had a lot of fun though. Now I start counting down until the next show. :o)

concerts, aweshum, happy, celebrity encounters, music, peek-a-tures

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