OK Go!

Nov 09, 2006 18:06

Yesterday I met a girl (Katie) that I've been talking to over on the Green Day Idiot Club for the last year. She was absolutely as sweet and fun in person as she was online... it was like I've known her my whole life. Last night we headed down to First Avenue in Minneapolis (the club where Prince got his start, and also the club in the movie Purple Rain) to see OK Go. We had so much goddamn fun. We got right up front, so with my camera in one hand and many beers in the other, I proudly recorded the evening in digital format for your viewing pleasure...

Quit Your Day Job

These guys are a punk band from Sweden. Not so much talent, but lots of entertainment. The keyboard player not only stripped down to his underwear during their set, he also spit in the lead singer's mouth and had a thing for Katie. They kept wagging their tongues back and forth at each other. o.0

French Kicks

Or as Katie keeps calling them, the French Licks. :oP
They were pretty good, so Katie and I both bought their CD and I also bought a t-shirt which the band signed. I listened to their CD on the way home, and they're actually better live. It's still a good CD for when you're in a mellow mood and just want some background music, because all the songs essentially sound the same.


Before 10:00 PM on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 I stood by my statement that Damian Kulash was alright looking but didn't really do much for me.

I. Stand. Corrected.

Holy f**k, the man is walking sex. My underwear get moist at the mere thought of him now. Sooooo hot in person. Omigosh.

OK Go Encore

Their encore.

The Million Ways Dance

The last song they performed to. It's hard to see in the pictures, but they have the backyard from the video projected onto the screen behind them. This was so much fun to watch.

The Katie and Jamie Gallery

Pictures of the two of us! You can sort of watch our intoxication progress in this series of pictures. In the first one we're across the street at the Hard Rock Cafe. In the last one, we're singing along to What To Doooooooooooooo...

Katie and Jamie Hobnob With Musicians

We met the band! Well, the cute members anyway. We didn't care about the other ones. :oP
Everyone was SO nice. They seemed to really truly enjoy talking with the fans. Damian grabbed the confetti stuff around my neck and started dancing with it, but he was making it really tight so I yelled at him to stop strangling me. :o/
The last picture is us with the drummer from the French Licks Kicks. We think his name is Tim.

Especially For Chris

Katie and I have another friend on the Idiot Club named Chris who's a HUGE fan of Damian. She wanted to go to the show so badly, but lives in Pennsylvania where they're not touring, and her daughter's birthday was yesterday so she couldn't make it. She bought both Katie and me shirts for the show, and we had to do something to give back to her and show her how much we love her and wished she could have come with us. So I came up with this.

drunk, friends, aweshum, happy, celebrity encounters, music, peek-a-tures, concerts, hot guys

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