So Old

Aug 17, 2012 08:46

I am too old to be getting random hate messages on facebook and tumblr. Sucks balls, because they're hating me for something they don't even understand much less have been apart of. Over half of them I don't know and the other half don't even live anywhere near the country I lived in when it happened. I mean, what? Teens with all their angst! I dunno whether to laugh or laugh so hard I cry. They must like me an aweful lot to hate me so much and not know me or the situation.

Anyway, he're some arts of Cass indulging Apri! Hoorah! I have one of him squashed at a kiddie table with Apri when Apri was...younger, but I can't find it on this confounded computer. It might be on a hard drive. /hunting

art, original art, cassard, apricot, original character

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