This...I found this on facebook. This is disturbing. Very true and just as disturbing. But if you think, kids always had access to weapon like knives and forks and stuff. Especially those awesome parents who give their children that kind of stuff. Self-protecting children ftw. :O
BTW as a college student and very poor when it comes to affording it, I just realized something...I don't need half of the school books they put on this list because I never use it anyway. You buy a book and they buy it back for less than half. That's not really fair...but I'll do it anyway. it's better than nothing.
BTB I've had the strangest urge to complete all of my unfinished painting today. Then I got started and my computer died. HAHAHAHAHAHA--I cried a bit and then took a nap. I felt good about it though. Because even if my computer died, I tried to do something...other than watch soap opera online. xP