So! Alece and I went to Portland for a weekend - just the thing I needed to write about.
Design Clinicals made a trip to a PostgreSQL
conference and Alece was invited and came to see a new city and get her study on and it was fantastic.
On Thursday a train carrying soybeans and stuff went off the rails just south of Tacoma. Beans!
On Friday, because of this tragic loss of produce, they put us on a bus instead of a train; we wound up next to some truly awful people on their way to a bachelor party. How awful? A pair of them got into a fistfight 15 minutes before we arrived and we were hoping they both lost. Oh well, we got there eventually, and walked through a dark rainy Portland to have dinner before bed. It was fun.
On Saturday, the conference itself was excellent, and we learned a good deal about
Postgres. New features, optimization, partitioning, we learned the works. Very informative stuff on the world's best database software. I know MSSQL and DB2 have great benchmarks for billions of rows but Postgres is open-source, portable, and sticks to good old
ANSI '99 standards. We learned plenty and I think Alece did too. After the conference we went to Portland's
premier sushi place. How do we know it was good? There were like, 20 people waiting in a line outside. There was a lot of fish. I would say there were a lot of fish, but the schools were standard 8/6 groups, but each individual piece was pretty enormous. It was great, in fact. We were pretty spent by Saturday evening.
Sunday, we got a good look around the city, preliminarily at least. Lots of bookstores and parks. It was great to walk around with Alece and scout things out, next time we'll definitely know what to see and do. We took a streetcar to the train station, waited a while, and miraculously enough got a seat. Business class, as intended. It was pretty good, there was more studying and I wrote this entry. Let's have more of these posts - next one being a more in-depth comparison of Portland and Seattle.