Jan 22, 2007 19:59
Hello intarwebs,
It was a good week/weekend! Like Alece says, we walked around this Volunteer Park place. A nice place to walk! It's not as absurdist as Gasworks Park, not like some kind of place you'd sit and read Doctor Seuss, but you might bring a newspaper and not regret it. These guys were playing croquet! They did not look like they were having as much fun as us, but they were trying. There's this water tower - sort of - thing that you can go into and walk around and up and then a few dozen steps later you're above and inside some sort of video game boss room; all the people that were there when we came up were looking at their mini-maps, trying to figure out what they'd missed on the rest of the level given there was nobody throwing boss-projectiles at them.
I am pleased to announce that Morningstar Farms has improved on the synthesis of meat. I don't know how they manage, it has to be tricky to make meat out of vegetables and stuff. I'm not saying it tastes better, I'm saying that their fake meat is not as different from your meat as your meats are from each other. If you fed a meat-blind person some chicken and then some beef and then some Fake-o Morningstar meat and asked them which of the three was different, they'd definitely indicate beef. I mean, it's really feaking close. They should start marketing it as Albatross meat or Dodo cutlets and really nobody would complain.
That's all I've got for you, for now. We're sitting around, reading and listening to music. Work's cool, projects are cool. I hope you all out there are as relaxed and happy as I am right now!