my reasons for my absence are indeed my own. they are mostly born of sloth and fustration. most importantly, i want to say how happy i am that dan made it thround the sand OK. Despite my fascination with the military, war is not something i ever thought would hit so very close to home. I have been worried sick for over a month now. I'm glad you're back in relative safety. i know i'll sleep a lil easier tonight.
reviews: most of my free media time has gone to prince of persia 3 for Xbox. sooo much fun. pirates of the carribbean 2 was incredible. as was a scanner darkly. oh, and i finally saw "finding neverland" which mad me tear up a bit. saddly, i cant really talk about either recent film since i dont want to give away too much. go see them. quickly. you will NOT be dissappointed drop me a line so we can chat film. Finished the nielgaiman book Anasi boys in a lil less than a week. an excellent lighthearted read. exciting story with lots of twists, just as Mr. Nancy would have expected.
i survived my first fight with keatoacidosis. no, i dont want to talk about it. i'm sorry, so very sorry, to those who were with me at I-bar and later at jens when everything went down. its never happened to me before, but i suspect that didnt make cleaning up my vomit any easier...
(special thanks to becca for holding back my hair. you truly are to kind for words)
i took Target International!! click, rate laugh or just notice how freaking cute she is.
later days