13 Feb 2011 - 13 New Words from the local papers

Feb 13, 2011 22:48

Date: 13 Feb 2011

Main Soure: The Straits Times - World

Word: Detritus
Meaning: a product of disintegration, destruction, or wearing away : debris
Article: Egyptians celebrate dawn of a new era
Usage: Many chose to celebrate the first day of a new era for their country by clearing Tahrir Square of the detritus from 18 days of protests, taking pride in showing the civic spirit in their nation's rebirth.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/News/World/Story/STIStory_634423.html

Word: Upheaval
Meaning: extreme agitation or disorder : radical change; also : an instance of this
Article: Egyptians celebrate dawn of a new era
Usage: But clear signs also emerged that Egypt's upheaval was sending out aftershocks in the region.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/News/World/Story/STIStory_634423.html

Word: Incumbent
Meaning: one that occupies a particular position or place
Article: Gantz appointed new Israel military chief
Usage: A cabinet statement said Mr Gantz had been unanimously approved for the position, which falls vacant on Monday when the term of incumbent military chief Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi ends.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/World/Story/STIStory_634535.html

Word: Tumult
Meaning: a turbulent uprising : riot
Article: Cairo protesters flood into square, gunfire heard
Usage: Egypt's military rulers earlier ordered protesters to leave Tahrir Square, a symbol of the revolt that toppled Mubarak, to let traffic flow and allow commuters to get back to work in an economy that has been damaged by the tumult.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/World/Story/STIStory_634531.html

Word: Manifesto
Meaning: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer
Article: Disgusted by scandal, Italian women plan mass protest
Usage: A manifesto, 'If not now, when?,' denounces 'the indecent, repetitive representation of women as a naked object of sexual exchange' in newspapers, advertising and on television.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/World/Story/STIStory_634528.html

Word: Sectarian
Meaning: of, relating to, or characteristic of a sect or sectarian
Article: Death toll rises to 48 in Iraq suicide bombing
Usage: While overall violence has dropped sharply in Iraq since the peak of sectarian warfare in 2006-7, security forces are fighting a weakened but still lethal insurgency and bombings and other attacks occur daily.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/World/Story/STIStory_634525.html

Word: Cartels
Meaning: a combination of independent commercial or industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices
Article: 14 killed in Mexico shoot-out, grenade attack
Usage: The attacks are the latest deadly violence gripping Mexico's war on drugs, as the country's various criminal cartels struggle over turf and the government uses police and soldiers in an attempt to crush them.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/World/Story/STIStory_634482.html

Word: Autocratic
Article: Amid Egypt rejoicing, Israel welcomes peace pledge
Usage: Messages of congratulation to the Egyptian people flooded in after Mubarak handed over power to senior army officers following 18 days of mounting protests against his autocratic 30-year rule.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/World/Story/STIStory_634481.html

Word: revellers
Meaning: one who engages in [revelry] -> : noisy partying or merrymaking
Article: Jubilation
Usage: He was among tens of thousands of revellers who yesterday flooded Tahrir Square, the downtown intersection transformed by anti-government protesters into a stronghold during 18 days of rallies and, at times, deadly clashes.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/News/World/Story/STIStory_634425.html

Word: erstwhile
Meaning: in the past : formerly
Article: Days of plotting for Day of Wrath
Usage: Clashes between thousands of protesters and police soon followed, and 10 days after Mr Bouazizi died, erstwhile president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was out of the country.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/News/World/Story/STIStory_634432.html

Word: despotic
Meaning: of, relating to, or characteristic of a [despot]-> : a person exercising power tyrannically
Article: Days of plotting for Day of Wrath
Usage: Inspired by Tunisia's successful revolt, protests immediately broke out in Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Algeria, and other countries whose citizens had long put up with what they saw as despotic leaders and miserable conditions.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/News/World/Story/STIStory_634432.html

Word: dissent
Meaning : political opposition to a government or its policies
Article: Days of plotting for Day of Wrath
Usage: He had clung on to his post for 30 long years, ridding his government of any viable opposition and securing its rule with emergency laws that largely ensured dissent on the streets would go nowhere.
Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/News/World/Story/STIStory_634432.html

Main Soure: The Straits Times - Home

Word: Incredulity
Meaning: the quality or state of being incredulous : disbelief
Article: Red hot & cool?
Usage: When told that none other than CNN had proclaimed that Singaporeans were the second-coolest folks on Earth, their reaction was one of incredulity.
source: http://www.straitstimes.com/News/Home/Story/STIStory_634434.html

Credits for dictionary meaning:

I want to get one new monitor. I guess based on the following fact i found on Digital Life.. I guess I should be getting a LED!!!

- Cool to touch
- Bright and vibrant colors
- Images can look artifical
- More details to scenes --> hair, clothes and jewelery

- Generate heat but not as much as plasma
- Rich and bright color slightly more unnatural
- Images have a yellow tint not noticeable if place alone

- Warm to touch
- Can scorch marks on the wall
- Warmer Colors compared to LCD
- Bright Yellow images are more natural 

10 words

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