My holidays are drawing to an end soon... which only means my fun yet difficult lesson is ending soon... and back to hell i am going...sob sob...
Today Japanese homework was interesting though.... A dairy entry in plain form.
きょうは くもりだった。 --> Today is a boring day.
イコマへ いったり、にほんごを べんきょうしたり した。 たのしかったけど、むずかしい。
--> I went to Ikoma(my Japanese school's name). I studied Japanese lesson in class. The lesson was fun but difficult.
MOS Burgerで ひるごはんを たべた。 それからうちへ かえった。
I had lunch at MOS Burger。Then I went home.
パソコンを して、 こえんで さんぽして、 うちへ かえって、 シャーワを あびて、 ばんごはんを たべて、 おんがくを きいて、 たくさん しゅくだいを して、それからパソコンを した。
This is just a list of what I do after I reach home:
--> Used my laptop, went to the park for a jog, went home, took a shower, ate my dinner, listen to music, did my huge amount of homework, lastly I used my laptop.
The listing is in order since I use the " ~て, ~て, ..., それから ~ した" instead of the " ~たり, ~たり, ~ した。" which only highlight actions.
1じに ねる。 --> I will sleep at 1pm
*Sighs* My boring day...