Jan 06, 2011 12:24

So...it took a lot of thinking, but ultimately I've decided to update Momiji. There were a couple of ways I could have gone about this, but in the end I went with the route that would be most interesting for me to play. Essay to come later.

The update basically means three things:

1) He'll have a growth spurt (which means a) new icons and b) old threads are borked)
He's been growing in small spurts since the bonds have broken and shota icons soon wouldn't be appropriate reflections.
2) He will see how things (breaking of the bonds) would have played out in canon
I wanted to throw some sort of wrench into his peace with god and the bond breaking. Things have just been going a little too well there.
3) AND OF MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: He will be trying to find Akito a sturdy Jesus since Tohru isn't here to help Akito find the peace of mind necessary to be able to move on happily :(b

Sacrificial Volunteer Jesii sign up:

Ultimately what's going to happen is he will meet you, hope you can jesus the fuck out of god, and take you to meet her. Feel free to sign up even if you don't think your jesii will be able to do the job. Failed attempts to jesus Akito are to be expected.

ooc, notes

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