Aug 03, 2005 15:45
Well on monday i had football stuff to do at 9 then i went home took a shower and headed out for Michigans Adventure with blake. We went to the beach for the first day then we went and saw the movie Wedding Crashers. (it kicks ass so go see it). Then we ate and went to sleep. On Tuesday we woke up ate breakfast then went to Michigans adventure. We were early so we waited around the park till 11. Later on in the day we met two really nice and hot girls, and they were twins. So we hung out like the rest of the day and then we left and we got kinda lost but i was right and my mom was telling me i was wrong so whatever i was like ok get us lost if you want and i got yelled at. WE dropped everyone off then we got home around 12:30 and i had to wake up this morning at 8 for football and tommorrow too.
So far no plans i think i am ungrounded except for on thing.
SO me to do stuff i have been really bored, i havent heard from much of anyone in a while either.