I got a new fish, but my water is really cloudy so I can't take a picture right now. His/Her name is Margot.
Spring break was really nice. We didn't do too much, but we did take a trip to Washington DC for a day and that was really fun.
I've been hanging out with Ashley and Sam lately and I looooooverzz it<333
Sam and I are very very disappointed that Red Robin treated Julie so badly that she quit working there after seven long years of employment and can no longer be our regular waitress at 9 o'clock on Monday nights.
We'll probably stop by PF Chang and stalk her anyway. And maybe invite her into the Breakfast Club.
Only like one more month of school, THANK GOD.
My mom has been bugging me to go to the Ewing board and ask about subbing. Maybe if they throw me into Ewing High, I'll get to sub some of you sillies.
I've been getting really into Eastern culture. Tibetan Buddhism is one of my interests.
I also love the British Invasion lately.
Last night Devon and Tina came over and we took bad/silly pictures for like two hours. It was fun<3