Caught beneath the landslide

May 17, 2010 16:20

English69%B3Chinese72%A2Mathematics79%A1Additional Mathematics
77%A1Chemistry76%A1Physics70%A2Biology67%B3Combined Humanities
This term saw a slight decrease in standards as compared to last year's final term. But I'm still grateful. I didn't regret not studying enough for the papers, because I personally think that I've did everything I could when it came to studying, despite having only one day to prepare for each subject.

One of the greatest miracles that performed on me during the exams was the one which worked on my Math paper. Basically, I scored badly for Paper 1 (54/80), but I managed to scrape an A1 because my score for Paper 2 (91/100) seriously pulled the total up. :)

I'm really disappointed in my scores for the Geography Elective & Biology papers, though. I think I overestimated my ability again. I honestly thought I could score at least an A2 in both subjects, but I ended up with B3s instead. Oh well, I'll just have to acknowledge that there's seriously room for improvement. And don't even get me started on Social Studies. Fine, I may have did OK for Section B, but wait till you get to know my score for the SBQs. :/

My scores for English have been satisfactory so far, much to my surprise. Though I really can't be sure that I'll remain at the level I'm at right now. :( Every time something good happens, something bad seems to follow. It's like a virtuous, yet vicious, cycle. But I guess I'll have to see the bad as blessings in disguise. But still... it's always good to keep my head within the radar, lest I get too carried away with my ego and become extremely sensitive to disappointment.

All in all, I could have done better! Time to learn from my mistakes and equip myself with everything necessary for the battle against the MT 'O' Level exam. :P

academics, reflection, exams, thoughts, rant

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