I was a freeware pick on Indiegames.com Thursday night! Yay!
http://www.indiegames.com/blog/2008/11/freeware_game_pick_night_of_th.html Click to view
Also for all the Mac users I've youTubed some game play so you can experience Scott's awesome vocal work. Not nearly as good as playing, and kinda spoilery but better then nothing!
Oh and I messed with the commentary functionality in youtube so if you have annotations on you can read a little directors commentary sort of thing. I promise poor spelling, poor grammar and insight!
UPDATE: I'm also
on some indie blog in Russia! Google translation does a bang up job of translating it into frightening near gibberish:
"Night of the Cephalopods (10 MB) - a short play about a guy escaped from the terrible mansion and is now wandering in the woods with a shotgun and a bunch of osminogoprivideny ohotyaschemisya him. The challenge - proderzhatsya rassveta.Mozhno to run and collect patrony.V principle, it would have to do to otstrelivat malicious urodov.Vmesto mental health of our health, with every touch with privideniem hero a little off uma.Chtoby restore the mind must be constantly on the ground for some time . Notably, the hero continually commented their actions, so it is better to play with the included audio."
osminogoprivideny is now my favorite word...