If you are looking for an online game World of Warcraft is the one. It's in English and is PG. There is a fair amount of reading in it and most players communicate in english as well.
It's the price of the game discs (around $30) and there is a monthly fee of $15. The fee can also be paid through cards which have a redemption code if the person doesn't have or doesn't want to use a credit card to pay for the service.
Well Anthony got you gist of it. You can also buy a subscription for 6 months or a year which saves cash as well but are non refundable. I can't really think of anything in Wow that isn't particularly kid friendly. Some of the female characters end up dressed kind of slutty some times but this is a fantasy RPG we are talking bout so that's sort of normal. No real gore etc... it should be fine.
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