Today deserves a LJ update...
so firstly, I am trying to figure out why I am still in Ga when I want to be in New York, now and forever.
With that off my chest I can think about everything else...
-I have a project due in a week from Thursday, a project I would have already completed last week, if I could find a partner. The professor is being ridiculous about this assignment. I had a personal crisis and couldn't stay for class, when I get back he tells me I need to find a partner. But he refuses to help.
-Got my grade back for my 3rd test for Mass Comm, I was pretty confident going in so i didn't bother studying..I won't do that again. Got an effing C. Thankfully, it was a high C so it shouldn't mess with my average too much.
-Stressed about my 3rd Econ test that was tonight. I already checked all my answers and I know I missed 6 questions, garnering me a mid-B. There were two questions I don't know if I got wrong or right, so i will have to wait and see on Wednesday... if I did get them wrong, well I still have a B on the test, but it would be a B-. So i'm crossing my toes I nailed them!
-I was also stressing about the french cocktail party. It was so painful. The nicest people there were the professors and the 4000 level students. Clearly, I survived and I'm not too eager about attending next year when I take 2001.
Is anyone else shocked the semester is almost over?! I don't even know where the time went, but I can only hope Spring semester keeps up the same pace, though it rarely does!
Schedule for Spring Semester
500-615 World Lit
630-745 World History
330-445 Statistics
500-615 French
630-756 News Reporting and Writing (blech!)
**(I will probably be dropping one of the M/W classes, my T/Th are the only ones I am set on taking.)
***(On the bright side if I survive Spring semester, I will only have 1 hist, and 2 sciences left for my core courses, putting me at graduation in Spring 2012)
As for work, today at least, the girls were obnoxious. No more than usual. But it got to me more than usual. I think it was just a repercussion of the stress. we shall see what comes of it on Wednesday.
Here's a pic of our newest addition: Lucy