Officially making this my a private rant journal. Which goes without saying this will be my last rant entry that the public/friends can see.
Sorry it's just easier this way. This started out as a diary for me. And what use are diaries if people can read them?
I don't need to share what's going on in my world. My world is my own. If people want to talk to me there is this wonderful invention called a phone that people can use to call or text me, or there is always Facebook. I am currently addicted to Facebook AND scrapbooking.
I'll still be using this journal for private rants that only I can see and will peruse my
kansas_dreamer journal for public entries that will primarily include things that represent me. Like scrapbooking, veganism, etc. Anybody who wants to friend me over there is more than welcome. See you on the other side!